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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random Quick Tips of the Day

Just some random tips that I have picked up along the way...

If your recipe calls for eggs and shortening, crack eggs into the measuring cup you plan to use for the shortening first. The residue left by the eggs will allow the shortening to slip out of the measuring cup very easily.

Buttermilk can be made at home!
(1 cup milk to 2 tsp lemon juice)

Baker's Joy is a great tool for flowering a pan for a cake or brownies. I never use anything else.

NEVER EVER wash your aluminum pots, pans, and cookie sheets in the dishwasher. They will lose their shine and will turn dull. Trust me, I know it sucks to wash by hand, but I still have cookie sheets that look brand new and they are 9 years old.

When making sugar cookies, use powdered sugar instead of flour on your counter to roll out your dough. It will make the cookies taste sweeter and work just as well as flour.

Do not add vanilla to anything you are currently cooking. The heat will make it cook right off and it will do no good. Wait until the mixture you need it in has cooled past boiling.

An ice cream scoop is a great way to separate your cookie dough into equal sized cookies.

Check back for more quick tips and recipes!


Kati said...

I am sooo excited you decided to do this! :) My tummy's rumbling already just reading these! Way to be Em! :)

Kallie said...

Thanks for the tips, I am going to use the egg and shortening one. I hate when the shortening sticks.

As I read most of these, I was thinking to myself "duh". Simple tricks that make our jobs just a little more simple. Why didn't I think of that?