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Friday, February 27, 2009

Homemade Granola Bars

So in keeping with the kid friendly cooking theme from yesterday, I thought I would add homemade granola bars. I find that sometimes kids will eat stuff, if they are the ones to make it. As strange as it sounds, my kids are picky when it comes to eating just about anything. One day they will eat nothing but 1 thing. The next day, they hate it. What is a mother to do? Have them help you cook and just maybe they will eat what they are cooking. It is worth a try, right? Plus you can sneak in some talk about fractions and counting, and any other teaching moments you can think of!

Now, these granola bars are very yummy and very easy to make. I know that granola bars are not that expensive, and very handy to have on hand. But sometimes, it is just fun to make your own. See what different variations you can make.

Homemade Granola Bars

1/2 c butter or margarine
1/3 c sugar
1/3 c honey
1/4 c flour
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 c rice crispies cereal
2 c quick oats
1 c dried fruit
1/2 c slivered almonds

* Heat oven to 350 degrees
* Coat 9x13 pan with cooking spray and set aside.
* Melt butter in a large pot on low heat.
* Remove from heat and whisk in the sugar, honey, flour, vanilla, and cinnamon
* Add remaining ingredients and mix well
* Transfer to baking sheet using waxed paper and the palms of your hands.
* Press granola firmly into pan
* Pack it evenly and flat.
* Bake for 20 minutes.
* Allow to cool for 1 hour in the pan then cool completely on wire racks before cutting into bars.
* Makes 24 bars.

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