Make sure to comment if you used a recipe. Let us know how it went!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Did you think I was gone, or simply have already given up on this blog, and put it up on a shelf, like so many of my other various projects. NOPE! I am just revamping (Ha! used a "vamp" word. Trying to use one everyday until Twilight comes out on DVD on Saturday.) my way of posting. Yep, pictures! So now, when I cook, the camera will be ready! I hope the pictures will be good enough. So do not give up on me, I will be posting soon, and maybe not as often, but it will be good!

And I loved doing the giveaway so much, I am so doing more, so check back for those too!

1 comment:

Jana and Family said...

well???? Have you just gone away and given up on this Blog? I leep coming and checking but there is nothing new. I'm waiting......